
10 Tips to Live Happy Married Life Forever

Make your Marriage a Precedent for Everyone…

  1. Never stop courting means never stop with someone to keep in mind to marry that person. Never stop dating. Nowadays men are taking women for granted. If you are taking women for granted stop this. Because they also have feelings, emotions some future plans, never play with her feelings. She chooses you to marry, never forget that. Don’t become lazy in your love.
  2. Make some efforts to enjoy and live life happily together it can make your married path smooth. If you create a fun environment it’s easy to overcome from the marriage hurdles.
  3. Laughter is the medicine of all pains, it makes things easier.
  4. It is better to forget past grudges and future anxiety. To make a life happy focus on today means present. It’s better to focus on the present instead of having fought on any past mistake.
  5. Fall in love over and over again. Admire good qualities in your partner.
  6. Take full accountability – it means don’t blame your wife if you are sad. Learn to take your emotions accountability own. You are the only one who is responsible for your happiness and sadness.
  7. Protect your own heart as a protector. Love your friends fully, love your relatives but there has a special place in a heart, reserve that place for the wife and make sure no one can replace her place in your heart. This will help you to Live happily married life forever.
  8. Always answer the calls when your husband or wife is calling to you.
  9. Make them first priority
  10. Talk about the moments which you had to spend together before your marriage.

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