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5 Reasons to Stay in Marriage because of Kids

stay in marriage because of kids

It is a very hard and painful situation when one is going through a divorce and it involves their children too. Divorce is that phase that has a great impact on children too. It adds stress to not only your lives but also your loved ones and friends.

You should remember the bad feelings of hurt and disappointment that your partner inflicted upon you. It can sometimes falsely weigh-in more than the needs that your children have. You must keep in mind for children to develop them in a proper and healthy manner; he or she will want to have both parents.

Here are some negative effects that marital separation has on kids:

1. Nervousness, anxiety, and miseries

When parents are going through the stage of divorce or separation, children will be more prone to their problems of unease and other mood disorders. It will affect their ability to concentrate on their studies and also affect their ability to develop new relationships with other children. 

2. Frame of mind

Young children may suffer from mood swing disorders and can become more tempered when they interact with others around them. The situation may be the opposite too. The children can become more introvert and can shut away from the outside world.

3.  Health problems

Children when going through stress and frustration can face health-related issues. Their immune system will get affected and they will inevitably be more prone to sickness. You should consider the well-being of your children and the probable health disorders they may suffer from because of the increasing stress at home. 

4. Remorse

Children feel guilty when their parents go through divorce. Because they think it is going due to their fault.  If the children have the feeling of guilt can lead to other, more problematic issues. This can lead to depression as well and other health-related problems too.

5. Social evolution

The social development of children is reliant on the communications that they have with their parents. This is important for their maturity development and future societal relations in the outside world. Children learn to adapt to their future relationships from their parents.

Also Read:

How to effectively deal with a tough phase after a Breakup

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