Astrology नई खबर

Offer Water to Trees According to Zodiac Signs

offer water to plants according to zodiac signs

Nowadays each and every person is facing a lot of issues in their life. For the reason, it all depends on them how they handle the problems that arise in their life. There are several people who take the help of astrologers to get the proper and appropriate guidance to deal with the problems that arise in their life. But there are many different by doing that regularly you can get rid of the issues of life. If you want to get rid of the problem then you can offer water to the trees according to your zodiac signs.

Consequently, there are many ways to earn the virtue and religion in Hinduism. Most popular among them is to raise the water to the God and Goddesses. All offer the water to their deities and do ritual worship. But you are not able to offer water to your deities, there is no temple around your house and you are not able to worship the planets, then you offer water to the tree according to your zodiac, you get rid of all kinds of problems. You can get happiness and prosperity and prosperity at home. A copper pot should be used for water supply.

  • People of Aries and Scorpio should offer water in the tree of Khair.
  • People of Taurus and Libra should offer water to the sycamore tree.
  • People of Gemini and Virgo zodiac should offer water to the tree of Apamarga.
  • Cancer people put water in Palash tree
  • People of Leo zodiac should offer water to the figure plant.
  • People of Sagittarius and Pisces people should offer water to Peepal.
  • People of Capricorn and Aquarius should offer water in Shami.

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