Health नई खबर

Do you know the 7 Benefits of Using Vicks?

Do you know the 7 Benefits of Using Vicks

In the mild cold winter cold, everyone looks for the Vicks. But apart from cold, and closed nose, there are some benefits which are excellent those benefits which you do not know at all. Here we are providing the 7 benefits of using the vicks. It is helpful in the several purpose. Let’s know what are the 7 benefits of using vicks.

  1. Stretch Mark – Stretch marks also appear as signs of decreasing tightness and aging of your skin. It is natural to have a stretch mark especially during pregnancy. But the way to stop them easily is with Vicks Vaporb. A mixture of ingredients used in it such as eucalyptus oil, cedar oil, petrolatum, camphor etc. softens the skin and maintains moisturization. It is beneficial in reducing the stretch mark.
  2. scratches – Vicks is a great thing even if there is some kind of scratch. All you have to do is mix a little salt in Vicks and apply this mixture on the affected area and massage it gently with hands.
  3. Torn ankles – You can also use vicks to make torn ankles soft and beautiful. Just before bed at night, apply a little vicks in the ankles and wear cotton socks on top. Keep in mind that you have to wash your feet with lukewarm water. If you want, you can also clean the dead skin with a pumic stone.
  4. Headache and Migraine – Vicks is ​​magically effective for headache. Just apply it on the forehead and leave it for a while. You will feel pain relief in a short time.
  5. Ear pain – You can use Vicks if you have ear pain. Rub a little Vicks Vaporb on the cotton swab and leave it in the ear for a few hours. Do this two to three times a day. This will not only reduce earache, but will also prevent ear infections.
  6. Injuries – In case of any kind of injury, apply Vicks and massage with light hands. This will not only give you relief from pain, but it will also improve the blood circulation of the place with warmth.
  7. Sunburn – If you want to get out in the sun and avoid sunburn, then the best way is to use Vicks. Just apply it on the skin and then leave it in the sun. This will save you from feeling heat filled with sunburn and will also cool you.

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