
Astrological Significance of Kumbh Mela

It is well-known that in Kumbh Mela there is social and cultural, mythological and spiritual significance of the same, but with this it has a lot of significance even from its astrological point of view. It is said that the determination of this fair is done only by the calculation of astrology. The planets are very important in Kumbh Mela. From them, the sun, moon, saturn, and jupiter means that the gurus have a very important place in astrology. When the Kumbh Mela is organized, the conditions of these planets are done by keeping a close watch. In today’s article we will tell you that the astrological significance of the Kumbh Mela.   Get Solution of Any Love Relationship Problem Click Here Love Problem Solution Astrologer

How is the timing of the Kumbh Mela fixed?

This question should have come to everyone’s mind that Sun, Moon, Saturn and Jupiter are chosen to determine the timing of the Kumbh Mela. What kind of contribution do they have? Today we will tell you what contribution of these planets. The contribution of these planets is mentioned in Skandapuraan. It has been said that after the ocean of manthan, the nectar of Kalash or Sudha Kumbh was attained, the war broke out between the gods and the demons.

The drops of nectar with pebbles at 12 places in 12 days of war, including four Haridwar, Prayagraj, Ujjain and Nasik are in India and the rest are considered in heaven. During this, the Sun, Moon, Saturn and Jupiter were very important contributions to protecting the nectar from the demons. The Skanda Purana has written that the Moon protected Ambrosia from the Sun, by breaking the nectar of the nectar, Jupiter by the monsters and Saturn, the son of Indra, Jayant, protected this pomegranate.

Kumbh Mela only seems to be mentioned in the home special place. Their place is seen in such a way that when God Guru is in Jupiter zodiac. And the sun and moon are in the Capricorn. And along with this, the Kumbh Mela is organized by keeping in mind the status of the new moon of Magh Month is the moonlight of the new moon. It is said that these three people get together and make such yoga which is very pleasurable and virtuous for the benefit of bathing and human quantities.

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