
The Most Common Money Issues that Young People are Facing

Life is hell without money, but it is stressful with money. Monetary issues are ubiquitous, regardless of how much you have been earning. While some money problems account for unexpected expenditure, the majority of them pop up due to our irresponsibility. Unlike the elderly, the youth do not have the knowledge of dealing with monetary issues.

Studies have revealed that the millennial generation owns less property and is less likely to have savings. The high cost of living and wages stagnation are partly to blame for monetary issues. However, financial attitude plays a primary role that all of you are ignoring. Being affluent is not the solution to get rid of these problems. You cannot manage your finances unless you mend your spending behaviour. Here are some common issues that you should deal with immediately to stay on top of your finances.

Putting off saving for retirement

Having retirement funds is paramount if you want to live your old age full of comfort. As you grow, your body becomes sluggish. It is natural that you will not be able to work as hard as you have been doing now. Your income sources will shrink, leaving pension as a significant income source.

For smaller funding, you can take out doorstep loans in Manchester, but lenders may not approve your application for a big amount of money once you retire. Therefore, you should start building your retirement funds immediately so that that you can manage to meet all your expenses, including unexpected expenditure.


  • Create a savings account separately for your retirement.
  • If you are self-employed or your employer does not provide a pension scheme, you should enrol for a private pension scheme.
  • Make profitable investments to get high returns.

Mounting debt

Short-term loans seem to be very easier to fund your needs, but the fact that they aim at funding unexpected expenses nobody bears in mind. The problem arises when you borrow money despite your poor affordability.

The ideal situation of taking out a loan, for instance, is you have lost your job, and you need money to get your car repaired. Unfortunately, many people take out short-term loans even though they do not need them urgently. This is where you slip up.


  • Create a budget to take hold of your expenses.
  • Track your expenses weekly, biweekly or monthly as you like.
  • Borrow money only when the nature of expense is urgent.
  • Make sure that you have left with some money after meeting all of your regular expenses. This will help you avoid falling into debt.

Pet-related expenses

It is good that you love animals, and if you can contribute to providing them with a healthy lifestyle, you should go ahead. However, owning a pet is not an affordable deal. The bottom line is rearing a pet is very expensive, especially if you are not made of money. Vaccination and food can mount up the pressure on your pocket. Therefore, you should avoid having pets.


  • No matter how much you like pets, you should give priority to your budget first.
  • Try to ignore rearing expensive species of pets.

Not being serious about family planning

Everybody loves to have children, but they can cost you an arm and a leg. According to the CPAG, the average cost of raising a child to their adulthood in the UK is £70,000, and it is soaring day by day. A baby not only makes your family complete but also takes a large chunk out of your pocket.


  • Be careful with family planning. Expand your family when you know that you can afford to have a baby.
  • Consult experts who guide on financial planning.
  • Start saving money now. The sooner you start, the better it is.

Poor financial decisions

It is no wonder that most of the people do not have a sense of taking a right financial decision. Sometimes people make a decision, for instance, of buying a home so impetuously that they end up with a debt spiral. You need to be very smart if you do not want to suffer in the future.


  • Talk to your parents and elders who can give you quick guidance.
  • Consult financial experts. They can keep you from ruing the day.

Not building a good credit history

Despite a stable financial condition, you may fall short of cash at one point of life. From education to getting a foot onto the property ladder, there are several real situations when you will need a big amount of money. Getting a loan at affordable interest rates seems to be impossible if you have either no credit history or have a poor credit rating. Therefore, it is suggested that you should have a good credit rating.


  • Take out loans to build your credit rating. Timely payments will boost up your credit score.
  • Pay all utility bills on time.
  • Keep your credit utilisation ratio as low as possible, not more than 30%.

Though monetary issues are pervasive, you do not need to have deep pockets to tackle these issues. With financial planning, you can easily keep the wolf from the door.

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